On my first trip to South Africa in 2022, I wanted to come away with images I could use to raise money for those who work tirelessly to protect and look after rhinos.
3 photos were chosen and so 'Raising Rands for Rhinos' came to life.
This image processed in black and white is a favourite of mine. Not only due to the dust, movement and contrast but because I wouldn't have got it had some warthogs not made this big animal jump! The warthogs running, combined with the quick movement of the rhino caused the dust to fly up. With the foot still in motion and the ear still pointed towards the offending animals, you almost expect him to turn round and run.
If you would like to purchase your own print of Dust Cloud in support the efforts of The Rhino Orphanage but the size you would like is not listed, email me at sam@sawildlife.co.uk and I will get back to you!
In order for each print to have the maximum benefit for raising money, your prints will arrive directly from the professional lab I use.